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Ayurveda is an ancient holistic healing system. Developed thousands of years ago in India, it is believed to be the oldest surviving complete traditional medical system in the world. While it is many years old, its philosophy is as relevant today as it was then.
In a world where the need for healing is as important as ever, and the number of people afflicted by lifestyle diseases is rising, Ayurveda offers everybody the chance to find true health and happiness in their life.
Ayurveda comes from the Sanskrit words ‘ayur’ meaning ‘life’ and ‘veda’ meaning ‘knowledge’, so it literally means the knowledge or science of life. The principles of this science are based on the concept that health and well-being are achieved by finding balance between mind, body and spirit or consciousness.
This holistic science gives you a personal toolkit to heal and bring yourself back to balance if you are unwell. Ayurvedic practitioner focuses on disease prevention, allowing us to take control of our own health, so that we can live healthily and happily, free from physical and mental illness.
Ayurveda encompasses the whole of life and takes into account that the body, mind and spirit are unified. These parts that make us human are constantly interacting with each other and external factors.
In order to bring about true health, Ayurveda considers all these different parts of life, and offers practical guidance and treatments to help maintain the delicate balance between mind, body and spirit.
Ayurveda teaches us that foods, lifestyle choices, the weather, seasons and certain periods in our lives, all affect how we feel. Everybody is unique - there is no one size fits all in Ayurveda and what heals one person, may make another unwell.
If we listen deeply to our body, follow our intuition, and become aware, we can learn to recognise the signs of imbalance, and what we need to adjust to bring us back to balance.
Ayurveda can help with a wide variety of conditions including menopause, menstrual imbalances, skin conditions such as acne, eczema, psoriasis, hormone imbalances, anxiety, insomnia, mental health conditions, weight gain, autoimmune conditions, joint pain, arthritis, sciatica and much more.
Essentially Ayurveda is a complete holistic healthcare system that can heal a myriad of mental, physical and emotional conditions. Ultimately with Ayurveda, each of us can connect to our own true nature and learn how to find true health.
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